Data protection explanation
I inform that the data transmitted in the context of the business carrying out of you are processed and saved with the help of an EDP equipment. Personal data are dealt with of course confidentially.
Elevation/obtaining of person-related data
I only impose person-related data (individual dates about personal or relevant relationships of a certain or determinable individual person) as far as I need these for the processing of contract carrying outs and for the adduction of contractual performances. The elevation of the data is carried out exclusively on the scale made available by you.
Processing of person-related data
The processing of your person-related data contains storing, changing, transmitting, block and delete of these data.
I don't pass your person-related data on to third parties. Merely my service partners whom we need for the carrying out of the contract relationship are excepted from it. In these cases I observe strictly the specifications of the Federal Data Protection Law. The size of the data transmission confines itself to a minimum.
You agree to the processing of your person-related data. The right to revoke the consent with effect for the future is absolutely entitled to you. You find the contact data for the practice of the revocation in our publication data.
Use of person-related data
I inform that the further-reaching use of your personal data is carried out for purposes of the market research of and sending advertising or newsletters (with the exception of the sending of direct advertising in accordance with § 7, para. 3 UWG) only with your express consent to be sought separately. It is absolutely entitled to you to revoke the right, the consent with effect for the future. You find the contact data for the practice of the revocation in our publication data.
Use of Google Analytics
This internet page uses Google Analytics, an Internet analysis service of Google. Google Analytics uses so-called cookies (little text files) which are stored on your computer and make this analysis of the use of the web site through you possible.
The information caused by the cookies about your use of this home page (including your IP-address) is transmitted in the USA and saved there by Google to a server. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the web site, to arrange reports on the web site activities for the home page operators and to render further services connected to the web site use and the Internet use. Google also will transmit this information to third parties if necessary provided that this is stipulated legally or as far as third parties process these data in the order of Google. Google will on no account take your IP-address from Google to connection with other data. You can prevent the installation of the cookies by a corresponding attitude in your browser software, we point out, however, to you that in this case you if necessary cannot use all functions of this web site on a full scale. By the use of this home page you agree in the way described before and for the purpose named before to the processing of the data imposed over you by Google. I inform that this web page uses Google Analytics exclusively under use of a deactivation Add-on. Your IP-address isn't saved completely. The identification of the visitor of the web page is excluded.
Use of etracker
Data are collected and saved for marketing and optimization purposes with technologies of Etracker GmbH (www.etracker.com) on this web site. From these data use profiles can be created under a pseudonym. Cookies can be used for it. Cookies are little text files which are saved locally in the intermediate memory of the Internet browser of the side visitor. The cookies make the re-reconnaissance of the Internet browser possible. The data imposed with the etracker technologies aren't used to it without the consent of the person affected assigned separately to identify the visitor of this web site personally and not with person-related data about the strap of the pseudonym brought together. The data elevation and storage can be contradicted any time with effect for the future
Information, correction, inhibition and deletion of data
You have a right to information, correction, deletion or inhibition of your stored data any time. Contact us on request. You find the contact data in our publication data.
My internet pages use so-called cookies in several places.